Friday 4 January 2013

CHRIS MUBIRU sodomising video- Apalling

In a matter of days, Chris Mubiru’s life has changed from being a respected football man to a fugitive, leaving behind newspaper photos of naked men apparently having sex.
The Police are investigating former Uganda Cranes team manager for alleged defilement. Uganda Police has contacted Interpol to help in the search and arrest of the fugitive after it emerged he had fled the country. Fred Opolot, the Uganda Media Centre’s executive director, said Mubiru was suspected to have sexually abused minors.
“Through several video images so far availed to the media and police, Mr Mubiru has been engaging young boys and girls in abominable acts. We are not sure of their age but police is investigating. Government wishes to condemn such acts in the strongest terms possible,” Opolot said.
Both defilement – having sexual relations with a minor – and homosexuality are crimes according to Ugandan law. While Opolot says that government wants Mubiru on charges of defilement, human rights defenders have said the police are hiding behind defilement to prosecute Mubiru for homosexuality – an act that is illegal in Uganda anyway.
Aswa County MP Reagan Okumu says much as it is wrong for police to investigate and issue an arrest warrant for Mubiru for defilement based on picture evidence, government should come out and investigate the real crime. But Opolot says this is a straightforward crime that invites outrage from the public.

How fate befall chris mubiru, fled country

Chances of Uganda Police arresting Mubiru are slim. The Observer has learnt that on learning that video footage showing him having sex with other men and women had been leaked to the press, he started planning to escape, reportedly to the United States.
It all started two weeks ago when a group of people known to him stole his laptop. Because he knew the damning contents of his laptop, sources say that Mubiru ran to Old Kampala Police Station and reported the theft that led to the arrest of a few young men known to him. They were interrogated until they revealed the whereabouts of Mubiru’s laptop. When it was safely handed back to him, Mubiru thought that all was well and he was safe.
But days later, he received anonymous calls explaining the contents of the videos they had retrieved from his laptop. The callers demanded Shs 250 million or they would leak the photos to the press. Because of the accuracy of the description of his videos, Mubiru offered $10,000 (Shs 27 million) which the callers turned down.
They gave him a week to come up with the money. When they didn’t contact him for a week, he thought they had let him off the hook. When they started calling him again, he ignored the calls. Sources have told The Observer that after the game between Uganda Cranes and Ethiopia’s Antelopes at Mandela National Stadium, the men approached Mubiru. He offered them Shs 100 million but they turned it down and told him they had already handed the photos to the media.
Mubiru sought the help of police but police told him that his goose was cooked, if the videos had reached in the hands of the media, he had nothing to do but wait for his face on the front cover of newspapers. Mubiru is reported to have quickly made arrangements for an air ticket to leave the country as soon as possible.
When The Red Pepper unleashed the photos onto unsuspecting readers last  Friday, Mubiru packed his bags and headed for Entebbe International airport where he jumped on Turkish Airways flight 606 to America. It is unlikely, if he is in America, that the US government would hand him back to Uganda Police, unless allagations are proven.
US President Barack Obama has continuously condemned the Anti- Homosexuality bill that was tabled in parliament in 2010 by Ndorwa West MP David Bahati. America has continuously called upon Uganda to respect the rights of all without discrimination. It’s unlikely that the same government can hand over Mubiru to the Ugandan government.

Who is Chris Mubiru?

Mubiru, who was nicknamed “Nfudu” because of the tortoise sculptures near his home, is the son of Stanley Kitaka and grandson of former Buganda regent Zakaria Kisingiri, who raised the young Buganda King Daudi Chwa. Sources say that Mubiru, a resident of Kisingiri Zone in Mengo, is a rich man who inherited his wealth from his grandfather.
At the time Kisingiri was a Buganda regent, he acquired land in Buganda. In fact some of this land is occupied by Bombo Military barracks, for which the family collects vast amounts of money in ground rent, every year. The family also owns prime land in Kisingiri Zone near Bulange in Mengo. Mubiru is a brother to Pastor Grace Kitaka.
He has two children who live in the UK and was a football maestro in his days in the 1970s, as a midfielder for Lint Marketing Board. He left LMB and joined National Insurance Corporation, a powerful team at the time, where his talent improved. He was later spotted by Uganda Commercial Bank, joining the team in 1981. He is remembered as a prolific midfielder, before securing a job as a banking assistant in their Nkrumah road branch.
Those close to Mubiru recall hearing rumours that he was chasing after fellow players. In 1992, he was appointed UCB’s team coach but when the bank folded in 1995, he started sponsoring football teams. He was a chief financier of State House football team as well as Miracle FC.
Later, he would join Express FC, before withdrawing his support and turning to their rivals – SC Villa. He left SC Villa in 2008 under a dark cloud of suspicion after rumours persisted that he was sleeping with some of the players.
He later joined the national side – the Cranes as team manager and was an ardent financer of the national football team. The Observer reported on February 7, 2010 that one of the Cranes’ players, David Kalungi, was once resting in his room when he felt someone massaging his rear. When he turned, he saw Chris Mubiru – who struggled to fend off gay assumptions

Continue to other Video of Chris Mubiru Sodomising soccer star

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