Friday 4 January 2013

Google AdSense & HubPages

If you haven't signed up for a Google AdSense account, now is the time. The signup process is simple, and it's the only way that you can earn from Google ads from your Hubs. Let's walk through how Google AdSense works and get you signed up!

HubPages' Ad and eBay Programs

Google AdSense is also a requirement for signing up for HubPages' Ad and eBay Programs. For more information on these programs, see our Learning Center guide on the topic.

How Google AdSense Works

Google AdSense is an ad-serving program run by Google which offers a primarily PPC (Pay Per Click) revenue model, meaning that every time an ad gets clicked, you or HubPages (and Google) make money.
Where does the money come from?
The money from clicks on your Hubs come from Advertisers. Advertisers use Google's AdWords program to set up ad campaigns in the hope that people will click through to their product or service.
Advertisers narrow down their target audience by picking keywords. These words are what Google AdSense uses to choose the pages of content that are the right fit for their ad. This is called contextual advertising, and is the other big reason why Google AdSense works so well. Google also takes the geographical location of the surfer into account. That way a dentist in Dallas can have their ads showing only to web surfers in Dallas. It's a lot better than the shotgun approach to online advertising that was around before Google AdSense rode into town.
To read more about Google's methods for targeting ads, check out their FAQ entry on the subject.

How Do I Sign Up for Google AdSense?

Google AdSense has made it very simple to sign up. We recommend that all Hubbers sign up for Google AdSense by going to My Account > Earnings > Settings and clicking on the "get started" button. If you don't sign up, HubPages can't split impressions with you and you can't be paid for your share of the clicks on your Hubs!
There are two scenarios for signing-up for Google AdSense: you already have a Google AdSense account or you're a new Google AdSense member. Both signup instructions are described below.

My Account > Earnings > Settings

Click "get started" to sign up
Click "get started" to sign up

I already have a Google AdSense Publisher ID

If you already have a Google AdSense Publisher ID, adding it to HubPages is easy.
  • While signed-in to HubPages, go to My Account > Earnings > Settings
  • Click the "get started" button next to Google AdSense
  • Check the "yes" radio button after the question: "Do you already have a Google AdSense Account?"
  • To verify with Google AdSense that you are the owner of your Google AdSense Publisher ID account you need to enter the following information: your email address (the one you used to access your Google AdSense account), the last five digits of your phone number and/or your postal/zip code.
  • There is no need to enter your actual Google AdSense Publisher ID. Google will know what it is by these three forms of identification.
  • Once you click on "Link My Accounts" and the status is listed as "Active," you will be able to earn from ads on your Hubs automatically (you won't need to touch any code or do anything once you have Google AdSense active on HubPages.) However, you must make sure that you have followed the confirmation instructions that you'll get by email from Google. To make sure that HubPages has access to your Google AdSense account, you can visit your Google AdSense account and check the "Account Access" section under the "Account" tab.

What if I get declined for not having enough content?

In some cases, AdSense will decline your application because you do not yet have enough content. As they explain on their help page:
The most common reason why we disapprove applications is because the website lacked a sufficient amount of original, useful content. If you can develop your website to a point where it has a significant amount of high quality content, then you will maximise your chances of acceptance into the AdSense programme. Bear in mind that we may review all pages where you implement ad code, not just the URL you specified in the sign-up form. Check our tips to make sure that your application will be approved.
Though we cannot give you specific guidelines regarding how long you should wait before re-applying, we recommend publishing as many high quality Hubs as you can before making another attempt. We have found that making multiple attempts over a short period of time may decrease your chances of being accepted.

I need to sign up for Google AdSense

If you don't already have a Google AdSense Publisher ID, you can apply for one after you've published a few quality Hubs. For certain countries your account must also be established for at least 6 months before you will be approved (view all specific eligibility requirements).
Google is selective in who they approve, so to maximize your chance of acceptance, please be sure that your presence on HubPages includes substantial, original content before you apply; quality is more important than quantity. It is also a good idea to have a completed user profile and profile image uploaded. To apply for a Google AdSense account:
  • While signed in to HubPages, go to My Account > Earnings > Settings
  • Click the "get started" button next to Google AdSense
  • Check the "no" radio button after the question: "Do you already have a Google AdSense Account?"
  • You will need to enter an email address (if you already have a Google Account that you use with other Google services, we'd suggest using that).
  • Google will send you an email requesting a bit more information from you to get your Google AdSense account set up. In that email you will be asked to click a link to finish setting up your Google AdSense account.
  • Upon completion, you will be taken to the Affiliate Settings page. Here you can enter your affiliate account codes. Keep in mind that all codes will need to be entered EXCEPT your Google AdSense code. That code will be entered automatically.

Setting Up a Google AdSense Channel for HubPages

Once you've been approved and your Google AdSense Publisher ID has been added under your HubPages affiliate settings, you need to be able to track your earnings through your Google AdSense account, and it takes a few clicks to make it happen!
Go to Google AdSense. Once you've logged into your Google AdSense account click on "Google AdSense Setup."
  1. Click on "Channels"
  2. A little further down click on "URL channel"
  3. Click on "Add new URL channels"
  4. Type in Make sure it's ONLY you don't need in the www (if you put in the www it won't work).
  5. Click on "Add channels"
  6. Done!

The HubPages Earnings Program and Amazon

You're on a roll! Now that you've signed up for Google AdSense, you might as well sign up for the HubPages Earnings Program (which includes the Ad and eBay Programs) and Amazon. See our Learning Center guides for more information, and if you have questions, check out our Need Help, Ask Here Forum.

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